A quality product can't be obtained without quality employees.
A quality product can't be obtained without quality employees.
KRCI has been in business for over 18 years and we've honed our craft into specialized large scale projects. From remote drainage solutions, to massive landslide repairs, all the way to multi-million dollar bridge replacements, we've been around the block a time or two. Check out a few of our favorites.
Project Name

Owner: Douglas County Public Utility District
Engineer: Douglas County Public Utility District
Construction of new fast charging and hydrogen fueling facility at the DCPUD headquarters.
East Wenatchee Headquarters DC Fast Charge and Hydrogen Fueling Station
Project Name

Owner: Link Transit
Engineer: RH2 Engineering Inc.
for roundabout construction at the intersection at Icicle Road and US Highway 2 in Leavenworth, WA
Icicle Road and US2 Roundabout
Project Name

Owner: Federal Highway Administration (USDOT)
Engineer: Federal Highway Administration (USDOT)
Construction of new bulb tee girder bridge including clearing, earthwork, drilled shaft foundation, CIP abutments, riprap, riparian planting, aggregate, asphalt paving, soil stabilization and temporary birdge design.
Dickey Creek Bridge Replacement
Project Name

Owner: City of Wenatchee
Engineer: City of Wenatchee
Renovation of existing public park, including asphalt trail paving, landscape improvements, irrigation adjustments, utility extensions, restroom facility, playground equipment installation, fencing, stage construction, splash pad installation, picnic shelter installation and other associated appurtenances and site improvements.
Lincoln Park Renovations
Project Name

Owner: Douglas County PUD
Engineer: Douglas County PUD
Utility installation and site work for a hydrogen processing facility
$4.2M + $1.1M
Hydrogen Switchyard Utility Installation & Site Grading
Project Name

Owner: East Wenatchee Water District
Engineer: RH2 Engineering
Build new CMU booster pump station from ground up including installing stem walls, foundation, slab, CMU walls, roofing with skylights, electrical, automatic controls, and HVAC. Retrofit altitude vault and install suction pipe header, pumps, and mechanical piping. Install piping and tie in to existing.
10th Street Booster Pump Station
Project Name

Owner: Chelan County
Engineer: Chelan County
Excavate and install new cast in place concrete bridge over slide area. Included structure removal, excavation, drain piping, girder installation, railing, strike bar, paving, guardrail, and structural earth wall. Included water work below the OHWM as well as channel shaping, excavation and reinforcement within slide path.
Slide Ridge Culvert Replacement
Project Name

Owner: Sutton Apartments LLC
Engineer: Torrence Engineering
Apartment complex and subdivision including site development, roadways and utilities
Sutton Apartments and Development Ph. 1 and Ph. 2
Project Name

Owner/Engineer: Federal Highway Administration
Repaired forest service roads significantly damaged by water runoff throughout the Okanogan-Wenatchee national forest over 10 different locations. Installed drivable dips, mechanically placed walls, riprap, and gabion walls. Replaced and cleaned existing culverts and broke down existing boulders. Re-graded and re-rocked roads after completing structure install. Established turf using mulch and dry seeding method. Satisfied rigorous federal oversight, quality control, and quality assurance metrics.
Okanogan-Wenatchee 2018 Repairs Phase 1
Project Name

Owner: WA Department of Fish & Wildlife
Engineer: WA Department of Fish & Wildlife
Install a new boat launch and parking lot. Included boring two 12” steel piles, fabricating and installing 3 steel docks, installing cast in place abutment, underwater grading and precast panel installation, installing a CXT building, regrading and paving the parking lot and entryway, and landscaping. Satisfied rigorous department of ecology oversight reporting.
Williams Lake Access Redevelopment
Project Name

Owner: Grant County
Engineer: Parametrix
Development of the 18-acre expansion landfill area around the existing landfill requiring excavation, grading, compacting, landfill composite lining system, leachate collection system installation, transfer piping systems, road construction, stormwater ditch construction and landfill gas system piping
Ephrata Landfill Phase 3 Development Project
Project Name

Owner: City of East Wenatchee
Engineer: RH2 Engineering, Inc.
Roundabout construction, illumination, landscaping and concrete ramp upgrades
3rd Street SE and Highline Drive Roundabout Improvement
Project Name

Owner: City of Wenatchee
Engineer: City of Wenatchee
Construct park including utilities, walls, stairs, ramps, seating, lighting, fencing, basketball court, soccer field, kiosk, shade structure, restroom and lawn finishes.
Kiwanis Park
Project Name

Owner: Chelan County PUD
Engineer: Chelan County PUD
Dredge Columbia River, install precast boat launch
Wenatchee Riverfront Boat Launch Improvements
Project Name

Owner: Grant County PUD
Engineer: Grant County PUD
Infrastructure improvements including boat launch, jetty, infrastructure and parking lot construction.
$2.2 M
Crescent Bar On-Island Improvements
Project Name

Owner: WSDOT
Engineer: WSDOT
Emergency Repairs of SR20 Loup Loup Pass Highway; roadway and slop rebuilding, culvert replacement
$1.3M + $2.5M